wibbly wobbly

Musings on data through time and space

Trying Something New

At SciPy2013 I had lots of awesome conversations with folks. It was great to find that some of the things I'm working on are actually of interest to a wider audience. One thing that came up again and again is whether I had blog posts describing some of my work (I didn't).

After seeing some really great examples of integrating the IPython notebook, github and static website generators (which I had never heard of before), I decided that this looked like a blogging platform that might actually be something I could enjoy using.

Anyway after several false starts, here is my attempt at a technical blog.

Inner Workings

Sporadically over the laste few months since SciPy2013 I've tried various things found from googling blog and Ipython. After meandering down several twisty lanes, I've finally got something together that works (I think).

I'm basically using a python based static website generator Pelican along with the the liquid-tags plugin developed by Jave Vanderplas. This website is basically a fork of his. I'm currently using the octopress-pelican theme but will probably tweak it over time. In my next post I'll try a blogging a simple IPython notebook to see if I have all the kinks worked out.
