Why Program?
What is wrong with ...
... until you hit a deadline
... and realize you made a mistake
... in one of the intermediate analysis steps
... three weeks ago
EPSG number: 32614
proj4 string: '+proj=utm +zone=14 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
Read csv data from url and project Travis County Cities to UTM14
url - http://goo.gl/WFylXY
data format:
import pyproj
import pandas as pd
url = "http://goo.gl/WFylXY"
data = pd.read_csv(url)
travis_cities = data[data['county']=='Travis']
lons = travis_cities['longitude'].values
lats = travis_cities['latitude'].values
utm14 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:32614")
travis_cities['utm_x'], travis_cities['utm_y'] = utm14(lons, lats)
Standards are like toothbrushes, everybody agrees you should have one, but no one wants to use yours. — Joe Croser
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point, mapping
from fiona import collection
schema = { 'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': { 'city': 'str', 'zip': 'str' } }
url = "http://goo.gl/WFylXY"
data = pd.read_csv(url)
with collection("zipcodes.shp", "w", "ESRI Shapefile", schema) as output:
for index, row in data.iterrows():
point = Point(row['longitude'], row['latitude'])
'properties': {'city': row['city'], 'zip': row['zip_code']},
'geometry': mapping(point)
print 'Downloading tiles needed for requested bounding box:'
raster_tiles = []
tiles = _tile_urls(layer, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
for i, url in enumerate(tiles):
filename = os.path.split(url)[-1]
zip_path = os.path.join(path, layer_dict[layer], 'zip', filename)
print '... downloading tile %s of %s from %s' % (i+1, len(tiles), url)
util.download_if_new(url, zip_path, check_modified=True)
print '... ... zipfile saved at %s' % zip_path
tile_path = zip_path.replace('/zip', '')
raster_tiles.append(_extract_raster_from_zip(zip_path, tile_path))
print 'Mosaic and clip to bounding box extents'
tile_path = os.path.split(tile_path)[0]
print subprocess.check_output(['gdalbuildvrt', '-te', repr(xmin), repr(ymin), repr(xmax), repr(ymax), output_path] + raster_tiles)
return output_path
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (-79.68433821243661, -77.42742156945509,
32.81417227179455, 34.998064728936754)
filename = get_raster('1 arc-second', xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
with rasterio.drivers():
with rasterio.open(fname) as src:
dem = src.read_band(1)
ndv = src.nodatavals
dem[dem==ndv] = np.nan